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[ Closed] CentiLeo Gallery
Administrator  Posts: 950
Nov 23, 2022 21:55
Old Examples
CentiLeo Chat:
Subsurface scattering and Displacement mapping test
Administrator  Posts: 950
Mar 17, 2021 21:43
The Head scan was downloaded here 3Dscanstore has a lot of other high quality amazing models too that are work checking.
So I have directly converted from FBX to Cinema + CentiLeo and played a little bit with the textures. Actually there was an interesting "Cavity" texture in the package that was used as displacement map and not as bump. But the bump map slot was also used for some additional detail coming from normal map.
With Displacement Map the look of Zoom-In, glossy highlights and subsurface scatter effect is much better than with just Bump. However, displacement map produce 100M extra micro-polygons, but they are efficient.
Render times are 5-10 min on the single old and small and slow GTX 970. Or 1:30-3min with two of GTX 1070. 2K by 2K image resoultion
CentiLeo Chat:
CentiLeo for Cinema 4D 0.593 available - Node-based materials/shaders in R21, S22, test description message
Administrator  Posts: 950
Feb 24, 2020 11:37
Hello everyone!

We integrate with Cinema Node-based GUI for materials and shaders in CentiLeo 0.59 release!
It works for Cinema R21.115 and newer versions.
Maxon Cinema has very cool Nodes engine which we are happy to integrate with! It's a lot more powerfull than Slate editor in Max.

Currently there is no yet converter from old CentiLeo materials to new Node-based.
Note that in these new nodes we have organized materials a bit differently:
1) Emission is moved from CentiLeo Material to a separate own material
2) Displacement is also moved to the root Output Material.

Download here:

Attention! Must Upgrade to:
- Latest NVIDIA Display Drivers: Game Ready Driver 441.87 or Studio Driver 441.66 (slightly faster).
- Minimum Cinema R21 build is 115

Change Log: cntlc4d 0.593 alpha (2020 May 29)
- up to 2x less noise for some HDR images in interiors
- more stable noise structure for low sample count
- Cinema S22 support (for S22.016+ builds)
- Fixed const color profile interpretation of materials

Change Log: cntlc4d 0.592 alpha (2020 May 12) - currently for all R16-R21
- Fixed broken Absorption property
- Fixed bug for lost frames during animation rendering in PV
- Fixed bug with wrong geometry translation when IPR doesn’t account for some deformers (such as Surface Deformer and few others)
- Fixed few bugs which caused some crashes.

Change Log: cntlc4d 0.591 alpha (2020 April 08) - currently for R21 only
[core] Fixed broken Absorption property
[cntlc4d] Fixed bug for lost frames during animation rendering in PV
[cntlc4d] Fixed bug with wrong geometry translation when IPR doesn’t account for some deformers (such as Surface Deformer and few others)
[cntlc4d] Fixed few bugs which caused some crashes.

Change Log: cntlc4d 0.590 alpha (2020 February 24)
[cntlc4d] Native C4D Node-based GUI for CentiLeo shaders and materials! Only for Cinema 4D R21.115+.

Known issues to be solved (temporarily broken features)
- Dirt shader;
- Absorption property of material;
- Directional/infinite light source;
- Adaptive noise-based image rendering (where pixels are no longer rendered when specified noise level is reached).
- May not initialize if AMD GPU is in your computer together with NVIDIA GPU.
- Very limited material converter tool (diffuse color + texture of C4D material).

Please, test it on you setup and share your renders!
Best regards,
CentiLeo Chat:
CentiLeo for 3ds Max 0.586 available - speedup 2x to up to 10x, added many new shaders and emission
Administrator  Posts: 950
Nov 18, 2019 20:00
Hello everyone!

Finally we are releasing the 0.58 update of CentiLeo for 3ds Max 2014-2020. We appology for not updating so long, as we have radically changed the architecture to reduce the noise, improve speed and flexibility. It was a complex atomic work. The current release unites 0.56, 57 and 58 updates we had for CentiLeo +Cinema 4D plugin.
However, we have made great impovements, see the changelog and download for tests.

Download link:

Change Log: cntlmax 0.586 alpha (2020 January 30)
[cntlmax] Fixed problems when 3ds Max UI scheme is saved
[cntlmax] Fixed some mesh normal artifacts in rare cases

Change Log: cntlmax 0.585 alpha (2020 January 29)
[core] 5-10% rendering speedup
[core] Fixed shadow catcher weights in case of many light sources (makes shadows of different intensity per light source on the Matte/Shadow Catcher object).
[core] Fixed shadow artifacts in case of very small area lights.
[core] Bitmap file paths now support Unicode strings (not just English).
[core] Fixed camera Auto Focus in IPR ([AF] button).
[core] CentiLeo updated to CUDA 10.2.
Attention! Must Upgrade to:
- Latest NVIDIA Display Drivers: Game Ready Driver 441.87 or Studio Driver 441.66 (slightly faster).

Change Log: cntlmax 0.584 alpha (2019 December 31)
[core] Fixed z-fighting render artifacts for coplanar polygons in the scene, precision is improved.
[core] Fixed few rare crash-bugs.
[cntlmax] Installation instructions are changed a bit, read them again!

Change Log: cntlmax 0.583 alpha (2019 December 6)
[cntlmax] Fixed broken GUI layout for increased windows font size and high resolution monitors.

Change Log: cntlmax 0.582 alpha (2019 November 29)
[cntlmax] Added Ramp shader that colorizes the input b/w texture with other colors. The nodes of our ramp shader can be textured.
[cntlmax] Fixed scene units representation in all CentiLeo materials, shaders and lights.
[cntlmax] Focus distance in render settings can be animated.
[cntlmax] Initial 3ds Max Physical camera support (DOF focus distance, aperture size, bokeh). Next will add support for other things of Physical camera.

Change Log: cntlmax 0.581 alpha (2019 November 18)
[core] Rendering speedup from 2x to up to 10x:
-Render iterations are around 2x faster almost always (base speedup);
-Render iterations become smarter and reduce the noise better for global illumination, in some cases it is required 2-4x less iterations to get same noise level as before. These improvements are best visible for interiors and night scenes especially for regions with dominated global illumination and lack of direct lighting.
-Mesh lights with complex shapes (more than few polygons) generate 3-4x less noise than before.
-The new algorithm should be always better and more robust than the previous one (less noise per iteration and faster iteration time).
-And there is no cache, no blur, no aditional settings, no additional memory consumption

Shader improvements
[core] New UVW Projection node supporting up to 4 UV mesh channels, spherical, cylindrical, cubic, flat, flat side, spatial and XYZ texture mapping coordinates. Texture coordinate system can be further manipulated (offset, scale, rotation) in the similar way to UVW Map modifier of 3ds Max. Offset, scale and rotation can be textured. Procedural texture coordinates are currently based on the object instances where material is assigned.
[core] New UVW Transform node which performs further manipulations on texture coordinates (UVW Projection can be an input for UVW Transform). Supported manipulations are offset, scale, rotation, pivot, rand offset, repetitions - these parameters can be textured.
[core] Rand offset of UVW Transform generates random texture coordinate offsets inside each tile (useful to break repeating patterns of the tiled bitmaps).
[core] Decals or labels can be easily done using Decal checkbox in UVW Transform node connected to the Bitmap where the color of non-decal area is specified by “out of UVW” parameter.
[core] New UVW Distortion node which manipulates the input projected texture coordinates based on distortion scale and amount. Both parameters can be textured.
[core] Triplanar shader node now supports the input for UVW Projection which can specify the orientation of 3 planar projections.
[core] Bitmap node now supports crop, triplanar projection and custom UVW coordinates.
[core] Noise node now supports Voronoi F1, F2, F3, F4 and F2-F1 patterns. Also added Woody and Cell noise types. Added option for Noise output quantization.
[core] Extended CentiLeo Noise shaders with more noise types like Voronoi, Ronk, Ridged Multi-Fractal, etc.
[core] New Pattern node supporting few different wave patterns and checker.
[core] New procedural Scratches node which can easily add random scratch imperfections to material bump maps.
[core] Improved Random shader node with new option “Randomize by Object parts”. This option generates random output colors for the different parts for the single object. The object part is a region without polygon connections to other object parts.
[core] New procedural Flakes node which can easily add random metallic flakes to materials. This node may produce bump map if attached to Bump parameter. It can produce colored flakes too if the Flakes node is connected to the colored Ramp node and the Flakes Output mode is Flake IDs (flake ids produces random grayscale flakes).
[core] New Layer shader node which can combine up to 7 layers using different mixing modes (like Photoshop) where each layer has a color and mask.
[core] New Curve Map node which can change the values of Input Map to the different output based on the curve knots configuration.
[core] New Remap node which can change each channel of the Input Map from one range of values to the other range of values using the linear scaling.
[core] New Surface Wire node which highlights the edges of object triangles.
[core] New Surface Side node which helps making different output for Front/Back surface sides.
[core] Added support for different Anisotropy tangents for Reflection1 and Reflection2. Also added improved cylindrical option for procedural anisotropy tangent.
[core] Bump mapping code totally changed (it also changes the look and scale of bump on older scenes). It has higher quality now and better combination with Normal Maps. Normal Maps now have all these flip R/G/B options.
[core] Fixed some rare issues when black and white bump map and normal map are combined.
[core] Fixed some problems with liquids inside glass in some modes.
[core] Faster bitmap cache generator (2x faster).

Mesh Lights and Multi-lights
[core] Mesh Lights support. This is implemented with an additional Emission property of CentiLeo material. Supports arbitrary (even out-of-core) geometry shapes for the light sources.
[core] Adaptive Multi Lights 10 times faster rendering for glossy reflection surfaces (faster rendering when there are a lot of light sources and glossy materials). Also bugfixed many issues in this area.

[core] Fixed Windows 10 memory bug which could cause crashes in scenes with a lot of geometry and textures.
[core] Fixed artifact bug when SSS doesn’t follow motion blur.
[core] Fixed wrong clamping for 16+ bit bitmaps when used for displacement.
[core] Fixed some triplanar mapping artifacts.
[core] Fixed wrong bump mapping over displacement mapping (when bump and displace maps are different).

Known issues to be solved (temporarily broken features)
-Dirt shader;
-Absorption property of material;
-Directional/infinite light source;
-Adaptive noise-based image rendering (where pixels are no longer rendered when specified noise level is reached).
-May not initialize if AMD GPU is in your computer together with NVIDIA GPU.
-Very limited scene converter tool (Multi Sub-Obj Material, 3ds Max Bitmap, only diffuse color and diffuse texture of material are converted to CentiLeo)

Please, test it on you setup and share your renders!
Best regards,
Edited: Kirgman - Apr 18, 2020 21:37 (Update 0.586 with improvements)
CentiLeo Chat:
CentiLeo for Cinema 4D 0.585 available - speedup 2x to up to 10x and R21 support
Administrator  Posts: 950
Sep 23, 2019 18:54
Hello everyone!

Finally we are releasing the 0.58 update of CentiLeo for Cinema 4D R16-R21. It was a very complex development with a lot of changes and novel methods. We have got 2x - 10x rendering speedup. The render speed is always at least 2x better than before and depending on the lighting complexity the speedup is even higher. See below!
Some polishing and issue fixing still should be done but results are already very cool!

Download link:

Change Log: cntlc4d 0.585 alpha (2020 January 27)
[core] 5-10% rendering speedup
[core] Fixed shadow catcher weights in case of many light sources (makes shadows of different intensity per light source on the Matte/Shadow Catcher object).
[core] Fixed shadow artifacts in case of very small area lights.
[core] Bitmap file paths now support Unicode strings (not just English).
[core] Fixed camera Auto Focus in IPR ([AF] button).
[core] CentiLeo updated to CUDA 10.2.
[cntlc4d] Added support for Cinema/OIDN denoiser in R21 for CentiLeo AOVs (see 2 new checkboxes in CentiLeo Render Settings -> AOVs: 1) “Denoise Images”, 2) “Keep raw and denoised AOVs”). If Cinema denoiser is not enabled with Denoiser Effect (which works only for Main Beauty) then CentiLeo settings enable this for it’s AOVs.
Attention! Must Upgrade to:
- Latest NVIDIA Display Drivers: Game Ready Driver 441.87 or Studio Driver 441.66 (slightly faster).
- Minimum Cinema R21 build is 115

Change Log: cntlc4d 0.584 alpha (2019 December 31)
[core] Fixed z-fighting render artifacts for coplanar polygons in the scene, precision is improved.
[core] Fixed few rare crash-bugs.
[cntlc4d] Cinema R21 support.
[cntlc4d] Installation instructions are changed a bit, read them again!

Change Log: cntlc4d 0.581 alpha (2019 November 21)
[core] Fixed bug with multiple lights sampling. Now scenes with many lights have much lower noise than 0.580.
[core] Fixed rendering artifacts in case of rendering out-of-core geometry with near/far clipped camera.
[core] Fixed a couple of other minor issues/artifacts.

Change Log: cntlc4d 0.580 alpha (2019 September 23)
[core] Rendering speedup from 2x to up to 10x:
- Render iterations are around 2x faster almost always (base speedup);
- Render iterations become smarter and reduce the noise better for global illumination, in some cases it is required 2-4x less iterations to get same noise level as before. These improvements are best visible for interiors and night scenes especially for regions with dominated global illumination and lack of direct lighting. This improvement work for all area lights, mesh lights and environment HDRI with portals.
- Mesh lights with complex shapes (more than few polygons) generate 3-4x less noise than before.
- The new algorithm should be always better and more robust than the previous one (less noise per iteration and faster iteration time).
- And there is no cache, no blur, no yet denoiser, no aditional settings, no additional memory consumption 8)

Known issues to be solved (temporarily broken features)
- Dirt shader;
- Absorption property of material;
- Directional/infinite light source;
- Adaptive noise-based image rendering (where pixels are no longer rendered when specified noise level is reached).
- May not initialize if AMD GPU is in your computer together with NVIDIA GPU.
- Very limited material converter tool (diffuse color + texture of C4D material).

Please, test it on you setup and share your renders!
Best regards,
Edited: Kirgman - Apr 18, 2020 21:36 (Update 0.585 with improvements)
CentiLeo Chat:
CentiLeo for Cinema 4D 0.575 available - many additional shader nodes
Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 19, 2018 15:03
Hello everyone!

We now release an update CentiLeo 0.57 for Cinema 4D R16-R20. The new release adds flexible UVW Projection, Transform and Distortion shader nodes in the manner of Cinema R20. UVW nodes add a lot of flexibility in combination with Bitmaps. Also added easy to setu[ Flakes and Scratches shader nodes for procedural imperfections. Improved Random and Triplanar shaders. Added other usefull shaders like Patterns, Layer, Ramp, Curve Map, Remap, Wire, Side. The other shader nodes are also improved.
We will work on the render speed optimizations for the next release.

Please, test it and share your opinion!
Best regards,

Download link (site registration required):

Change Log: cntlc4d 0.575 alpha (2019 March 30)
[cntlc4d] Fixed crash at Cinema 4D R20.059 launch for some other events. The older Cinema R20 builds don’t need this fix.

Change Log: cntlc4d 0.574 alpha (2019 March 28)
[cntlc4d] Fixed crash at Cinema 4D R20.059 launch (just updated to the modified C4D SDK). The older Cinema R20 builds don’t need this fix.

Change Log: cntlc4d 0.573 alpha (2019 March 22)
[core] Fixed Windows 10 memory bug which could cause crashes in scenes with a lot of geometry and textures.
[note] A user can remove texture cache files *.mctx because in new version the texture caches of other bugfixed format with names *.cntx will be auto-generated.

Change Log: cntlc4d 0.572 alpha (2019 March 6)
[core] Fixed artifact bug when SSS doesn’t follow motion blur.
[core] Fixed wrong clamping for 16+ bit bitmaps when used for displacement.
[core] Fixed some triplanar mapping artifacts.
[core] Fixed wrong bump mapping over displacement mapping (when bump and displace maps are different).

Change Log: cntlc4d 0.571 alpha (2018 December 20)
[cntlc4d] Fixed focus distance bug on camera object when CentiLeo camera tag is assigned.

Change Log: cntlc4d 0.570 alpha (2018 December 19)
[core] New UVW Projection node supporting up to 4 UVW tags (mesh uv), spherical, cylindrical, cubic, flat, flat side, spatial and XYZ texture mapping coordinates. Texture coordinate system can be further manipulated (offset, scale, rotation) in the same way as Coordinates Tab of Texture Tag or UVW Projection node of Cinema R20. Offset, scale and rotation can be textured. Procedural texture coordinates are currently determined in the Texture Tag space (related to the object where it is assigned).
[core] New UVW Transform node which performs further manipulations on projected texture coordinates in the same way as the similar node of Cinema R20. Supported manipulations are offset, scale, rotation, pivot, rand offset, repetitions - these parameters can be textured.
[core] Rand offset of UVW Transform generates random texture coordinate offsets inside each tile (useful to break repeating patterns of the tiled bitmaps).
[core] Decals or labels can be easily done using Decal checkbox in UVW Transform node connected to the Bitmap where the color of non-decal area is specified by “out of UVW” parameter.
[core] New UVW Distortion node which manipulates the input projected texture coordinates based on distortion scale and amount. Both parameters can be textured.
[core] Triplanar shader node now supports the input for UVW Projection which can specify the orientation of 3 planar projections.
[core] Bitmap node now supports crop, triplanar projection and custom UVW coordinates.
[core] Noise node now supports Voronoi F1, F2, F3, F4 and F2-F1 patterns. Also added Woody and Cell noise types. Added option for Noise output quantization.
[core] New Pattern node supporting few different wave patterns and checker.
[core] New procedural Scratches node which can easily add random scratch imperfections to material bump maps.
[core] Improved Random shader node with new option “Randomize by Object parts”. This option generates random output colors for the different parts for the single object. The object part is a region without polygon connections to other object parts.
[core] New Ramp node which can produce different colors based on the grayscale Input Map values and configuration of the Gradient knots. Up to 30 Gradient Knot values can be textured to produce flexible customization for the output.
[core] New procedural Flakes node which can easily add random metallic flakes to materials. This node may produce bump map if attached to Bump parameter. It can produce colored flakes too if the Flakes node is connected to the colored Ramp node and the Flakes Output mode is Flake IDs (flake ids produces random grayscale flakes).
[core] New Layer shader node which can combine up to 7 layers using different mixing modes (like Photoshop) where each layer has a color and mask.
[core] New Curve Map node which can change the values of Input Map to the different output based on the curve knots configuration.
[core] New Remap node which can change each channel of the Input Map from one range of values to the other range of values using the linear scaling.
[core] New Surface Wire node which highlights the edges of object triangles.
[core] New Surface Side node which helps making different output for Front/Back surface sides.
[core] Fixed some rare issues when black and white bump map and normal map are combined.
[core] Added support for different Anisotropy tangents for Reflection1 and Reflection2. Also added improved cylindrical option for procedural anisotropy tangent.
[cntlc4d] Improved GUI for materials and shaders. E.g. the edit button doesn’t jump down when the shader is unrolled.
[cntlc4d] The Coordinates Tab and projection types of Texture Tag are supported (except of camera based projections).
[cntlc4d] CentiLeo Bitmaps and Environment maps are now collected correctly when the project is saved with the assets.
[cntlc4d] Fixed cloner object parsing issues which produced wrong scenes for CentiLeo.
[cntlc4d] Scene parsing now accounts for Cinema layer visibility changes.
[cntlc4d] Bitmap reset cache button is back.

Known issues to be solved
- May not initialize if AMD GPU is in your computer together with NVIDIA GPU.
- Very limited scene converter tool from Cinema 4D native materials (only diffuse color and texture are converted and translated if assigned to the object)
- May not support non-latin texture paths.

Important note
We are currently using JUCE library ( for IPR GUI under Personal license (which is free) for initial testing purpose. In IPR window it will show in the right bottom corner a splash screen for the first start and it dissapears in few sec. It may also connect to Google Analytics to collect end-user stats. Juce guys claim this is nothing bad but stats collection so they know who is using them. However, the plugin works perfectly without any Internet connection.
If everything works well on main technical side then we will buy the full license of JUCE and get rid of these small issues.
Edited: Kirgman - Apr 18, 2020 21:37 (Update 0.572 with bugfixes)
CentiLeo Chat:
CentiLeo for Cinema 4D 0.560 available - mesh lights, adaptive multi-lights and R20
Administrator  Posts: 950
Sep 6, 2018 03:35
Hello everyone!

We now reelease an update CentiLeo 0.56 for Cinema 4D R16-R20. This time it improves the light sources, complex geometry shapes for light sources are allowed and many light sources are working much faster now and bugs are also fixes. On next release we will add more shader nodes.

Please, test it and share your opinion!
Best regards,

Download link (site registration required):

Change Log: cntlc4d 0.560 alpha (2018 September 6)
[core] Mesh Lights support. This is implemented with an additional Emission property of CentiLeo material. Supports arbitrary (even out-of-core) geometry shapes for the light sources.
[core] Adaptive Multi Lights 10 times faster rendering for glossy reflection surfaces. Also bugfixed many issues in this area.
[core] Bump mapping code totally changed (it also changes the look and scale of bump on older scenes). It has higher quality now and better combination with Normal Maps. Normal Maps now have all these flip R/G/B options.
[core] Fixed some problems with liquids inside glass in some modes.
[core] Extended CentiLeo Noise shaders with more noise types like Voronoi, Ronk, Ridged Multi-Fractal, etc.
[core] Faster bitmap cache generator (2x faster).
[core] Added real distance units for CentiLeo materials and light sources where it makes sense (e.g. displacement height, SSS scale, dirt shader max distance and etc.).
[core] Light sources may change the brightness on the surfaces for old scenes due to the distance units integration and some other calibration. Need to adapt for it.
[cntlc4d] Added support for Cinema 4D R20.

Known issues to be solved
- May not initialize if AMD GPU is in your computer together with NVIDIA GPU.
- Very limited scene converter tool from Cinema 4D native materials (only diffuse color and texture are converted and translated if assigned to the object)
- May not support non-latin texture paths.

Important note
We are currently using JUCE library ( for IPR GUI under Personal license (which is free) for initial testing purpose. In IPR window it will show in the right bottom corner a splash screen for the first start and it dissapears in few sec. It may also connect to Google Analytics to collect end-user stats. Juce guys claim this is nothing bad but stats collection so they know who is using them. However, the plugin works perfectly without any Internet connection.
If everything works well on main technical side then we will buy the full license of JUCE and get rid of these small issues.
CentiLeo Chat:
CentiLeo for 3ds Max 0.553 available - displacement mapping!
Administrator  Posts: 950
Jun 11, 2018 20:24
Hello everyone!
We release CentiLeo 0.55 for 3ds Max with new powerfull displacement mapping engine too!
As said in C4D 055 thread there were many R&D tasks that should be solved to make it working normally.
Our Displacement mapping tech is based on pre-tesselation of geometry before rendering. But it's fast and has good memory economy.
This pre-tesselation approach helps to use arbitrarty shading networks now. And it will allow to extend it to vector displacement mapping in the future.
Currently CentiLeo displacement mapped objects are tesselated very-very quickly and render very fast. Faster than competitor pre-tesselation methods. Potentially hundreds million unique triangles can be handled very efficiently if needed for very high resolution.

See this changelog to get the idea how new feature works. We now turn attention to mesh lights and many new shader nodes.

Please, test it and share your opinion!
Best regards,

Download link:

Change Log: cntlmax 0.553 alpha (2018 December 28)
[cntlmax] Added 3ds max 2019 support.
[cntlmax] Fixed crash bugs for animation rendering of objects with Greeble modifier.

Change Log: cntlmax 0.552 alpha (2018 June 16)
[core] Improved displacement precision in pixel adaptive mode (subtle waves in animation are removed).

Change Log: cntlmax 0.551 alpha (2018 June 12)
[core] Displacement mapping functionality based on explicit geometry pre-tesselation with very efficient memory usage, fast tesselation and fast rendering.
E.g. with GTX 1070-1080 Ti it’s possible to generate and render 1-2 billion unique micropolygons (and more with instancing) – of course if you have at least 32GB of usual RAM.
[core] Displacement mapping supports the whole shader network including current and future procedural shaders/texture mappings except of falloff and other view dependent things.
[core] Displacement mapping can be combined without any issues with deformation motion blur (applied to base geometry, not to displacement height params).
[core] Displacement mapping parameters are controlled through menu of CentiLeo Material that is applied to geometry object.
[core] CentiLeo IPR mode doesn’t retesselate and displace the objects automatically while moving the camera and/or objects. We made it manual, so the user should click the button “Tess” in IPR window to retesselate and displace all objects of the scene with new parameters or click button “Tesselate” in material menu to retesselate only those objects where material is applied.
[core] Option of Autobump mapping as a supplemental tool for Displacement.
[core] Support for 16/32 bit bitmaps for Displacement.
[core] Added rotation and filter radius params to CentiLeo Bitmap.
[core] Added more settings to CentiLeo Noise shader.
[core] Minimum required GPU memory is bumped to 1280MB. This minimum memory is necessary for CentiLeo to operate. Sometimes a 2GB GPU in an overloaded system may have less available memory after memory reductions by OS and 3D app.
[core] Fixed various rare visual bugs, e.g. a bug that made visible artifacts at low FOV.
[drawbacks] Our main work on Displacement mapping still has some drawbacks:
- no yet support for Vector Displacement Mapping (only scalar one);
- divorced surface when the vertex has several different normals (e.g. a corner of a cube);
- it doesn’t like very much when base geometry already has too dense polygon tesselation that should be displaced (there is some more memory overhead);
- no yet Dicing Camera parameter;
These issues will be solved after a series of other feature releases.

Important note
We are currently using JUCE library ( for IPR GUI under Personal license (which is free) for initial testing purpose. In IPR window it will show in the right bottom corner a splash screen for the first start and it dissapears in few sec. It may also connect to Google Analytics to collect end-user stats. Juce guys claim this is nothing bad but stats collection so they know who is using them. However, the plugin works perfectly without any Internet connection.
If everything works well on main technical side then we will buy the full license of JUCE and get rid of these small issues.

GPU Drivers
Please, install modern NVIDIA display drivers. E.g. at least 372.70 or one of the newest.

Adjust GPU Rendering Low-priority settings
Can be found in CentiLeo Renderer Settings -> Hardware Settings.
Low-priority flags are ON by default in IPR mode for ALL GPUs. For fluent work in IPR mode it’s HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to keep enabled “low-priority” setting for DISPLAY GPU and switch if OFF for other render GPUs which are not connected to the monitor. Low-priority option is useful for display GPU because it is used to display the elements and models of 3D Viewport and OS.
If you have many GPUs in one computer then Display GPU can be excluded from IPR render to have less competition between Viewport and CentiLeo for Display GPU, this can improve the system feedback overall.
Edited: Kirgman - Apr 18, 2020 21:37 (0.553 3ds max 2019 support and fixed animation crashes with Greeble modifier)
CentiLeo Chat:
CentiLeo for Cinema 4D 0.552 available - displacement mapping!
Administrator  Posts: 950
Jun 7, 2018 14:05
Hello everyone!
We can finally release an update CentiLeo 0.55 for Cinema 4D with new displacement mapping engine. There work was so long because there was a lot of R&D and new algorithms were created to make DM efficient.
We have opted to make DM based on geometry pre-tesselation because we want it to support arbitrary shader networks as input and to make vector displacements too. Both these things are impossible without pre-tesselation. And with this fact many problems may happen like huge poly-counts, screen adaptivity artifacts, not so fast tesselations and renderings. However, we have solved many of these. Btw, there are still some drawbacks and vector displacements are not yet added, but we will fix that at later stage.
See this changelog to get the idea how new feature works. We now turn attention to mesh lights and many new shader nodes.

Please, test it and share your opinion!
Best regards,

Download link (site registration required):

Change Log: cntlc4d 0.552 alpha (2018 June 16)
[core] Improved displacement precision in pixel adaptive mode (subtle waves in animation are removed).

Change Log: cntlc4d 0.551 alpha (2018 June 12)
[core] Added overall displace scale and waterlevel parameters.
[cntlc4d] Fixed wrong texture rotation displayed in the viewport.
[cntlc4d] Fixed GPU priority toggling in IPR.
[cntlc4d] Focus distance data from CentiLeo camera tag is automatically moved to corresponding field of the camera object.

Change Log: cntlc4d 0.550 alpha (2018 June 7)
[core] Displacement mapping functionality based on explicit geometry pre-tesselation with very efficient memory usage, fast tesselation and fast rendering.
E.g. with GTX 1070-1080 Ti it’s possible to generate and render 1-2 billion unique micropolygons (and more with instancing) – of course if you have at least 32GB of usual RAM.
[core] Displacement mapping supports the whole shader network including current and future procedural shaders/texture mappings except of falloff and other view dependent things.
[core] Displacement mapping can be combined without any issues with deformation motion blur (applied to base geometry, not to displacement height params).
[core] Displacement mapping parameters are controlled through menu of CentiLeo Material that is applied to geometry object.
[core] CentiLeo IPR mode doesn’t retesselate and displace the objects automatically while moving the camera and/or objects. We made it manual, so the user should click the button “Tess” in IPR window to retesselate and displace all objects of the scene with new parameters or click button “Tesselate” in material menu to retesselate only those objects where material is applied.
[core] Displacement Alpha map is used as the mask of displacement values of the current material which can be useful when several materials are stacked as layers in Cinema 4D.
[core] Option of Autobump mapping as a supplemental tool for Displacement.
[core] Added support of 16/32 bit bitmaps for Displacement.
[core] Added rotation and filter radius params to CentiLeo Bitmap.
[core] Added more settings to CentiLeo Noise shader.
[core] Minimum required GPU memory is bumped to 1280MB. This minimum memory is necessary for CentiLeo to operate. Sometimes a 2GB GPU in an overloaded system may have less available memory after memory reductions by OS and 3D app.
[cntlc4d] CentiLeo camera Depth of Field now listens for native C4D camera focus distance property with proper updates when changed from C4D Editor or CentiLeo IPR.
[cntlc4d] Fixed various rare visual bugs, e.g. a bug that made visible artifacts at low FOV.
[drawbacks] Our main work on Displacement mapping still has some drawbacks:
- no yet support for Vector Displacement Mapping (only scalar one);
- divorced surface when the vertex has several different normals (e.g. a corner of a cube);
- it doesn’t like very much when base geometry already has too dense polygon tesselation that should be displaced (there is some more memory overhead);
- no yet Dicing Camera parameter;
These issues will be solved after a series of other feature releases.

Known issues to be solved
- May not initialize if AMD GPU is in your computer together with NVIDIA GPU.
- Very limited scene converter tool from Cinema 4D native materials (only diffuse color and texture are converted and translated if assigned to the object)
- May not support non-latin texture paths.

Important note
We are currently using JUCE library ( for IPR GUI under Personal license (which is free) for initial testing purpose. In IPR window it will show in the right bottom corner a splash screen for the first start and it dissapears in few sec. It may also connect to Google Analytics to collect end-user stats. Juce guys claim this is nothing bad but stats collection so they know who is using them. However, the plugin works perfectly without any Internet connection.
If everything works well on main technical side then we will buy the full license of JUCE and get rid of these small issues.
Edited: Kirgman - Jun 16, 2018 08:06 (0.552 update)
CentiLeo Chat:
CentiLeo 0.54 features
Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 20, 2017 18:53
Fast subsurface scattering, glass + liquids, dirt shader (a model on top of shadow catcher). Btw, shadow catcher in CentiLeo has easy setup and flexible controls per light source.

CentiLeo Chat:
CentiLeo for Cinema 4D 0.541 available (nested glass objects and liquids, dirt shader, fixed bump mapping)
Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 18, 2017 07:54
Hi everyone!

CentiLeo 0.54 for Cinema 4D R16-R19 is ready! Quality becomes better! Bump is much better, however the majority of time was spent on glass+liquid correct IOR handling.

Download link (site registration required):

Change Log: cntlc4d 0.541 alpha (2018 January 9)
[core] Fixed bug for CentiLeo in Cinema R19 where animation frames were not recorded.

Change Log: cntlc4d 0.540 alpha (2017 December 18)
[core] Support nested Transmissive refractive objects with different IOR (e.g. liquid in a glass with ice cubes inside). A liquid object geometry must overlap slightly the glass (same as in other modern renderers). The material of liquid object must enable the flag “Is Liquid” (available in cntlMaterial->Transmission menu). Same works with water droplets on the bottle or any other liquid objects that are modeled inside or outside a glass with slight geometry overlapping. This way all relative IORs between refractive mediums will be computed correctly internally.
[core] Added procedural Dirt shader which can enable different colors and material properties on crevices, convex and concave geometry regions. Occluded, Unoccluded and Distance parameters can be textured. Dirt shader can be nested into other Dirt shader.
[core] Fixed bump mapping “terminator” artifacts that can be visible on lowpoly objects and lit by small area light source. User can tune the effect of this fix with “Light Shift” parameter which is available in cntlMaterial->Bump menu for Cinema 4D and in cntlMaterial->Common for 3ds Max. This works for all material properties (diffuse, reflections, etc.).
[core] Fixed reflection artifacts on low poly geometry where smooth normals differ too much from real normals of geometry.
[core] Fixed reflection loss of energy when combined with other material properties such as diffuse or SSS.
[core] Fixed SSS color and weight automatic normalization.
[core] For easy handling in cntlBitmap there is no need to select type of texture “image”, “b/w bump” or “normal map”. This is resolved automatically, except for normal maps where user must enable “Is Normal Map” flag.
[core] Added option “Output Alpha channel” to cntlBitmap. Useful for application with PNG and cntlMaterial->Alpha channel.

Known issues to be solved
- May not initialize if AMD GPU is in your computer together with NVIDIA GPU.
- Very limited scene converter tool from Cinema 4D native materials (only diffuse color and texture are converted and translated if assigned to the object)
- May not support non-latin texture paths.

Important note
We are currently using JUCE library ( for IPR GUI under Personal license (which is free) for initial testing purpose. In IPR window it will show in the right bottom corner a splash screen for the first start and it dissapears in few sec. It may also connect to Google Analytics to collect end-user stats. Juce guys claim this is nothing bad but stats collection so they know who is using them. However, the plugin works perfectly without any Internet connection.
If everything works well on main technical side then we will buy the full license of JUCE and get rid of these small issues.

Please test and report about any issues in this pack.

Best regards,
CentiLeo Chat:
CentiLeo for 3ds Max 0.541 available (nested glass objects and liquids, dirt shader, fixed bump mapping and other fixes)
Administrator  Posts: 950
Dec 18, 2017 07:30
Hi everyone!

CentiLeo 0.54 for 3ds Max 2014-2018 is ready! Quality becomes better! Bump is much better, however the majority of time was spent on glass+liquid correct IOR handling.

Download link (site registration required):

Change Log: cntlmax 0.541 alpha (2017 December 25)
[cntlmax] Fixed various cntlLight bugs (bad GUI when create several lights, not working size of rollout, wrong radius export for spot and sphere shapes).
[cntlmax] Fixed crashing bugs in cntlProxy when input non ”.cntlproxy” files.
[cntlmax] Fixed some export bugs for instancing and Max Compound Scatter objects.
[cntlmax] Fixed IPR bugs not receiving keyboard input for post processing controls.

Change Log: cntlmax 0.540 alpha (2017 December 18)
[core] Support nested Transmissive refractive objects with different IOR (e.g. liquid in a glass with ice cubes inside). A liquid object geometry must overlap slightly the glass (same as in other modern renderers). The material of liquid object must enable the flag “Is Liquid” (available in cntlMaterial->Transmission menu). Same works with water droplets on the bottle or any other liquid objects that are modeled inside or outside a glass with slight geometry overlapping. This way all relative IORs between refractive mediums will be computed correctly internally.
[core] Added procedural Dirt shader which can enable different colors and material properties on crevices, convex and concave geometry regions. Occluded, Unoccluded and Distance parameters can be textured. Dirt shader can be nested into other Dirt shader.
[core] Fixed bump mapping “terminator” artifacts that can be visible on lowpoly objects and lit by small area light source. User can tune the effect of this fix with “Light Shift” parameter which is available in cntlMaterial->Bump menu for Cinema 4D and in cntlMaterial->Common for 3ds Max. This works for all material properties (diffuse, reflections, etc.).
[core] Fixed reflection artifacts on low poly geometry where smooth normals differ too much from real normals of geometry.
[core] Fixed reflection loss of energy when combined with other material properties such as diffuse or SSS.
[core] Fixed SSS color and weight automatic normalization.
[core] For easy handling in cntlBitmap there is no need to select type of texture “image”, “b/w bump” or “normal map”. This is resolved automatically, except for normal maps where user must enable “Is Normal Map” flag.
[core] Added option “Output Alpha channel” to cntlBitmap. Useful for application with PNG and cntlMaterial->Alpha channel.

Important note
We are currently using JUCE library ( for IPR GUI under Personal license (which is free) for initial testing purpose. In IPR window it will show in the right bottom corner a splash screen for the first start and it dissapears in few sec. It may also connect to Google Analytics to collect end-user stats. Juce guys claim this is nothing bad but stats collection so they know who is using them. However, the plugin works perfectly without any Internet connection.
If everything works well on main technical side then we will buy the full license of JUCE and get rid of these small issues.

GPU Drivers
Please, install modern NVIDIA display drivers. E.g. at least 372.70 or one of the newest.

Adjust GPU Rendering Low-priority settings
Can be found in CentiLeo Renderer Settings -> Hardware Settings.
Low-priority flags are ON by default in IPR mode for ALL GPUs. For fluent work in IPR mode it’s HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to keep enabled “low-priority” setting for DISPLAY GPU and switch if OFF for other render GPUs which are not connected to the monitor. Low-priority option is useful for display GPU because it is used to display the elements and models of 3D Viewport and OS.
If you have many GPUs in one computer then Display GPU can be excluded from IPR render to have less competition between Viewport and CentiLeo for Display GPU, this can improve the system feedback overall.

Please test and report about any issues in this pack.
Best regards,
Edited: Kirgman - Jan 21, 2018 17:01 (0.541 update: bugfixes in cntlmax integration for cntlLight, cntlProxy, instancing and IPR)
CentiLeo Chat:
CentiLeo for 3ds Max 0.530 available (corrected and accelerated SSS, GGX, faster glass, improved GI Clamp)
Administrator  Posts: 950
Nov 20, 2017 19:31
Hello everyone!

Available CentiLeo 0.53 for 3ds Max 2014-2018!
We have updated CentiLeo material system completely. The GUI and settings remain the same but the models of reflections, refractions, SSS, absorptions have all been updated to improve the quality and paramter response.
E.g. SSS have become correct and 10x faster (not a big deal because it was very slow before). But now it looks like diffuse if subsurdace scatter radius = 0 and shows logical behavior when increase the radiuses and combine the channels.
We have also intelligently killed the fireflies that could be seen through several glossy-glossy surface reflections using much smarter new GI Clamp algorithm.

Download link:

Change Log: cntlmax 0.530 alpha (2017 November 20)
[core] Subsurface Scattering is correct now and has 10x faster noise reduction due to improved maths. The speed of SSS is close to diffuse. Same as before it is based on 3 layers.
[core] GGX anisotropic reflections and refractions. Better looking highlights and fast. Some old scenes with rough reflections may seem to render slower 5-10%, but this is due to different look and changed highlights, the speed isn’t really degraded.
[core] Faster (less noisy) rough glass and shadows under rough glass due to better maths.
[core] Fixed Absorption parameters. They now affect transmissive and translucent objects and also their shadows.
[core] Improved quality of GI Clamp params. They now preserve glossy highlights better and kill the hotspots a lot smarter while keeping the highlights. Default GI Clamp values of 10 are very good if final post production image exposure is 0.
[core] Added “Expected Exposure” parameter that should be similar to the post production planned exposure. This is useful in cases when the lighting is very low in the scene and then user compensates it increasing the post exposure. In this case to make GI Clamp params and noise detector more efficient just set Expected Exposure similar to Post Exposure (+-1). Efficiently tuned GI Clamp and Noise detector may accelerate image rendering.

Known issues to be solved
- May not initialize if AMD GPU is in your computer together with NVIDIA GPU.
- Very limited scene converter tool from other renderers (only diffuse property and textures from Standard material and Vray material)
- UVW mapping change of parameters may not be accounted by IPR scene auto update mode. To be solved.

Important note
We are currently using JUCE library ( for IPR GUI under Personal license (which is free) for initial testing purpose. In IPR window it will show in the right bottom corner a splash screen for the first start and it dissapears in few sec. It may also connect to Google Analytics to collect end-user stats. Juce guys claim this is nothing bad but stats collection so they know who is using them. However, the plugin works perfectly without any Internet connection.
If everything works well on main technical side then we will buy the full license of JUCE and get rid of these small issues.

GPU Drivers
Please, install modern NVIDIA display drivers. E.g. at least 372.70 or one of the newest.

Adjust GPU Rendering Low-priority settings
Can be found in CentiLeo Renderer Settings -> Hardware Settings.
Low-priority flags are ON by default in IPR mode for ALL GPUs. For fluent work in IPR mode it’s HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to keep enabled “low-priority” setting for DISPLAY GPU and switch if OFF for other render GPUs which are not connected to the monitor. Low-priority option is useful for display GPU because it is used to display the elements and models of 3D Viewport and OS.
If you have many GPUs in one computer then Display GPU can be excluded from IPR render to have less competition between Viewport and CentiLeo for Display GPU, this can improve the system feedback overall.

Pls, make the tests and send us feedback!
CentiLeo Chat:
CentiLeo for Cinema 4D 0.530 available (corrected and accelerated SSS, GGX, faster glass, improved GI Clamp)
Administrator  Posts: 950
Nov 20, 2017 19:25
Hello everyone!

Available CentiLeo 0.53 for Cinema 4D R16-R19!
We have updated CentiLeo material system completely. The GUI and settings remain the same but the models of reflections, refractions, SSS, absorptions have all been updated to improve the quality and paramter response.
E.g. SSS have become correct and 10x faster (not a big deal because it was very slow before). But now it looks like diffuse if subsurdace scatter radius = 0 and shows logical behavior when increase the radiuses and combine the channels.
We have also intelligently killed the fireflies that could be seen through several glossy-glossy surface reflections using much smarter new GI Clamp algorithm.

Download link:

Change Log: cntlc4d 0.530 alpha (2017 November 20)
[core] Subsurface Scattering is correct now and has 10x faster noise reduction due to improved maths. The speed of SSS is close to diffuse. Same as before it is based on 3 layers.
[core] GGX anisotropic reflections and refractions. Better looking highlights and fast. Some old scenes with rough reflections may seem to render slower 5-10%, but this is due to different look and changed highlights, the speed isn’t really degraded.
[core] Faster (less noisy) rough glass and shadows under rough glass due to better maths.
[core] Fixed Absorption parameters. They now affect transmissive and translucent objects and also their shadows.
[core] Improved quality of GI Clamp params. They now preserve glossy highlights better and kill the hotspots a lot smarter while keeping the highlights. Default GI Clamp values of 10 are very good if final post production image exposure is 0.
[core] Added “Expected Exposure” parameter that should be similar to the post production planned exposure. This is useful in cases when the lighting is very low in the scene and then user compensates it increasing the post exposure. In this case to make GI Clamp params and noise detector more efficient just set Expected Exposure similar to Post Exposure (+-1). Efficiently tuned GI Clamp and Noise detector may accelerate image rendering.

Known issues to be solved
- May not initialize if AMD GPU is in your computer together with NVIDIA GPU.
- Very limited scene converter tool from Cinema 4D native materials (only diffuse color and texture are converted and translated if assigned to the object)
- May not support non-latin texture paths.

Important note
We are currently using JUCE library ( for IPR GUI under Personal license (which is free) for initial testing purpose. In IPR window it will show in the right bottom corner a splash screen for the first start and it dissapears in few sec. It may also connect to Google Analytics to collect end-user stats. Juce guys claim this is nothing bad but stats collection so they know who is using them. However, the plugin works perfectly without any Internet connection.
If everything works well on main technical side then we will buy the full license of JUCE and get rid of these small issues.

GPU Drivers
Please, install modern NVIDIA display drivers. E.g. at least 372.70 or one of the newest.

Adjust GPU Rendering Low-priority settings
Can be found in CentiLeo Renderer Settings -> Hardware Settings.
Low-priority flags are ON by default in IPR mode for ALL GPUs. For fluent work in IPR mode it’s HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to keep enabled “low-priority” setting for DISPLAY GPU and switch if OFF for other render GPUs which are not connected to the monitor. Low-priority option is useful for display GPU because it is used to display the elements and models of 3D Viewport and OS.
If you have many GPUs in one computer then Display GPU can be excluded from IPR render to have less competition between Viewport and CentiLeo for Display GPU, this can improve the system feedback overall.

Pls, make the tests and send us feedback!
CentiLeo Chat:
CentiLeo for 3ds Max 0.521 available (motion blur, faster dof, final geo mode, bugfixes and 3ds Max 2018)
Administrator  Posts: 950
Oct 6, 2017 07:33
Hello everyone!

CentiLeo 0.52 for 3ds Max 2014-2017 is available! At this time we have implemented Motion Blur! It can be played in IPR mode with all the things movable and autodetected interactively. Very fast convergence and good memory efficiency. Also we have improved Depth of Field noise reduction (it's faster now). Very usefull FIN GEO mode is added to IPR which renders the same scene as Production Render (and supports changing shading and lighting). However the most time in this version development was spent on bugfixing that were living since 0.48 but were less evident before.


Change Log: cntlmax 0.521 alpha (2017 October 10)

[cntlmax] Support 3ds Max 2018
[core] Fixed crash bug when mesh has UV channel #2 and no UV channel #1

Change Log: cntlmax 0.520 alpha (2017 October 6)

[core] Motion Blur (MB) support with up to 32 object transformation keys and deformation motion blur (2 keys only).
- Fast noise reduction.
- Supported in IPR with enabled auto detector for scene changes (with up to 4 transformation keys).
- There is no slowdown in scenes without motion blur.
- When deformation MB is enabled memory consumption adds 40% of dynamic scene objects. And our out-of-core tech may help here.
- MB settings are in Camera Rollout of Render Settings (and are global for the scene).
- Toggling MB enable and deformation enable flags, and FPS will reload the scene.
- Changing scene time (or frame) in IPR with auto detection will reload only changed objects.
[core] Depth of Field - much faster noise reduction.
[core] Fixed a lot of bugs that could cause rare random crashes (due to complex parallel thread processing here and there).
[IPR] Added “FIN GEO” mode which means (Final Geometry).
- This mode enables Production render scene evaluation inside IPR window.
- Motion Blur has up to 32 motion keys (if enabled by user)
- E.g. subdivision objects are tessellated with Renderer num steps (not Editor steps).
- When FIN GEO is enabled then scene changes auto detection is off, but camera, light sources and material changes are quickly detected in CentiLeo for this mode.
- This mode is good to modify shading when geometry is ready.

Known issues

- Displacement mapping feature is deactivated due to large code changes overall. This feature will be recovered within the next few short CentiLeo updates.
- May not initialize if AMD GPU is in your computer together with NVIDIA GPU.
- Very limited scene converter tool from Cinema 4D native materials (only diffuse color and texture are converted and translated if assigned to the object)
- May not support non-latin texture paths.

Important note

We are currently using JUCE library ( for IPR GUI under Personal license (which is free) for initial testing purpose. In IPR window it will show in the right bottom corner a splash screen for the first start and it dissapears in few sec. It may also connect to Google Analytics to collect end-user stats. Juce guys claim this is nothing bad but stats collection so they know who is using them. However, the plugin works perfectly without any Internet connection.
If everything works well on main technical side then we will buy the full license of JUCE and get rid of these small issues.

Please test it and give us feedback to discover further improvements!

Best regards,
Edited: Kirgman - Oct 10, 2017 19:50 (Update 0.521: support 3ds Max 2018)
CentiLeo Chat:
CentiLeo for Cinema 4D 0.521 available (motion blur, faster dof, final geo mode, bugfixes and Cinema 4D R19)
Administrator  Posts: 950
Oct 6, 2017 07:16
Hello everyone!

CentiLeo 0.52 for Cinema 4D R16-R18 is available! At this time we have implemented Motion Blur! It can be played in IPR mode with all the things movable and autodetected interactively. Very fast convergence and good memory efficiency. Also we have improved Depth of Field noise reduction (it's faster now). Very usefull FIN GEO mode is added to IPR which renders the same scene as Picture Viewer (and supports changing shading). However the most time in this version development was spent on bugfixing that were living since 0.48 but were less evident before.


Change Log: cntlc4d 0.521 alpha (2017 October 10)

[C4D plugin] Support Cinema 4D R19
[core] Fixed crash bug when mesh has UV channel #2 and no UV channel #1

Change Log: cntlc4d 0.520 alpha (2017 October 6)

[core] Motion Blur (MB) support with up to 32 object transformation keys and deformation motion blur (2 keys only).
- Fast noise reduction.
- Supported in IPR with enabled auto detector for scene changes (with up to 4 transformation keys).
- There is no slowdown in scenes without motion blur.
- When deformation MB is enabled memory consumption adds 40% of dynamic scene objects. And our out-of-core tech may help here.
- MB settings are in Camera Tab of Render Settings (and are global for the scene).
- Toggling MB enable and deformation enable flags, and FPS will reload the scene.
- Motion blur doesn't handle different vertex count inside one mesh in different time but it handles different instances count inside Cloner object within the same frame (the appearance of new instance is blurred).
[core] Depth of Field - much faster noise reduction.
[core] Fixed a lot of bugs that could cause rare random crashes (due to complex parallel thread processing here and there).
[C4D plugin] Scene loading code is performed in a background thread which removes the blocks of Main Cinema GUI when large mesh edits or large scene changes are loaded to CentiLeo renderer in IPR mode. Moving single object instances here and there become slightly slower (but still interactive).
[IPR] Added “FIN GEO” mode which means (Final Geometry). This mode enables production render scene evaluation inside IPR window (same as in Picture Viewer). When FIN GEO is enabled then scene changes auto detection is off, but camera and material changes are detected. This mode is good to modify shading when geometry is ready.

Known issues

- Displacement mapping feature is deactivated due to large code changes overall. This feature will be recovered within the next few short CentiLeo updates.
- May not initialize if AMD GPU is in your computer together with NVIDIA GPU.
- Very limited scene converter tool from Cinema 4D native materials (only diffuse color and texture are converted and translated if assigned to the object)
- May not support non-latin texture paths.

Important note

We are currently using JUCE library ( for IPR GUI under Personal license (which is free) for initial testing purpose. In IPR window it will show in the right bottom corner a splash screen for the first start and it dissapears in few sec. It may also connect to Google Analytics to collect end-user stats. Juce guys claim this is nothing bad but stats collection so they know who is using them. However, the plugin works perfectly without any Internet connection.
If everything works well on main technical side then we will buy the full license of JUCE and get rid of these small issues.

Please test it and give us feedback to discover further improvements!

Best regards,
Edited: Kirgman - Oct 10, 2017 20:06 (Update 0.521: support Cinema 4D R19)
CentiLeo Chat:
CentiLeo for 3ds Max 0.513 available (low priority, variation & random shaders, material alpha channel, bugfixes)
Administrator  Posts: 950
Aug 18, 2017 12:44
Hello everyone!

CentiLeo 0.512 for 3ds Max 2014-2017 is available! 2 new shaders added: Variation and Random, also added Alpha channel to material. Low-priority option is added to Hardware Settings which can be usefull for IPR rendering mode when some rendering GPU is shared with Viewport tasks. Minor bugs were fixed. Right now we are working o motion blur.


Change Log: cntlmax 0.513 alpha (2017 August 18)

[cntlmax] Fixed incorrect amount values in MultiMaterial.

Change Log: cntlmax 0.512 alpha (2017 August 18)

[core] Faster GPU initialization stage for Multi-GPU.
[core] Added low-priority setting for GPUs (see Hardware Settings). They are ON by default in IPR mode for ALL GPUs. For fluent work in IPR mode it’s HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to keep enabled “low-priority” setting for DISPLAY GPU and switch if OFF for other render GPUs which are not connected to the monitor. Low-priority option is useful only for display GPU because it is used for Viewport display. If you have many GPUs then display GPU can be excluded from IPR render.
[core] Added Variation shader. It generates different colors using HSL color model if material with this shader is assigned to different objects. Each HSL component has the range which is divided with a setting “resolution” and in this range a random color is picked automatically for different objects. Objects are considered different if they have different names. Later will add special object tags for this purpose to extend flexibility.
[core] Added Random shader. It assigns random shaders for different objects (max 10 shaders to select one random from it) if some material with this shader is assigned for different objects. It’s possible to construct many random shaders on top of each other. Later will add Random Bitmap shader.
[core] Removed Geo Mask slot from Multi Material due to more flexible and quite fast new Alpha channel. Maybe will return it later :)
[core] Added Alpha channel (same as Opacity) for Standard CentiLeo material. It’s stochastic (but very fast) and can use combinations of shaders. However, the depth of effect is limited to “max ray bounces” setting.
[cntlmax] Fixed viewport display for textures when they are enabled.
[cntlmax] Fixed several rare crash situations.
[IPR] Polished few things that caused the stalls.
[IPR] If IPR window is minimized and not present in the task bar then click “CentiLeo IPR” command in top menu again to get it back immediately.

Known issues to be solved

- Displacement mapping feature is deactivated due to large code changes overall. This feature will be recovered within the next few short CentiLeo updates.
- May not initialize if AMD GPU is in your computer together with NVIDIA GPU.
- Very limited scene converter tool from other renderers (only diffuse property and textures from Standard material and Vray material)
- UVW mapping change of parameters may not be accounted by IPR scene auto update mode. To be solved.

Important note

We are currently using JUCE library ( for IPR GUI under Personal license (which is free) for initial testing purpose. In IPR window it will show in the right bottom corner a splash screen for the first start and it dissapears in few sec. It may also connect to Google Analytics to collect end-user stats. Juce guys claim this is nothing bad but stats collection so they know who is using them. However, the plugin works perfectly without any Internet connection.
If everything works well on main technical side then we will buy the full license of JUCE and get rid of these small issues.

Please test it and give us feedback to discover further improvements!

Best regards,
CentiLeo Chat:
CentiLeo for Cinema 4D 0.513 available (material stacking, alpha channel, variation and random shaders, bugfixes)
Administrator  Posts: 950
Aug 12, 2017 20:56
Hello everyone!

CentiLeo 0.51 for Cinema 4D R16-R18 is available! At this time we have made the integration of CentiLeo with Cinema 4D tighter! Support almost everyting from Texture Tag mapping including tiling, offset, repetitions and alpha-channels of CentiLeo materials. All this can be used to combine the stack of CentiLeo materials with semi-transparency of materials and geometry (if we are on the ground-level material). Just like in Cinema 4D. Mappings like Cubic and others are in TODO list. Also have added Variation and Random shaders. See the full list of changes below.


Change Log: cntlc4d 0.513 alpha (2017 August 23)

[C4D plugin] Fixed a bug in viewport preview texture render that could cause crashes of Render Queue.
[C4D plugin] Fixed bump strength range (now it’s arbitrary positive and negative).

Change Log: cntlc4d 0.512 alpha (2017 August 19)

[C4D plugin] Fixed double scene evaluation bug which could cause slight IPR slowdowns .
[C4D plugin] Fixed: new internal representation of materials and shaders for 0.51 is created automatically (no need to start render for this). Without this before user starts a render there could be confusions in material/shader copy/paste operations.

Change Log: cntlc4d 0.511 alpha (2017 August 13)

[C4D plugin] Fixed issue with Subdivision Surface. IPR renderer gets “Subdivision Editor”
setting, Picture Viewer renderer gets “Subdivision Render” (final) setting (not from Editor).

Change Log: cntlc4d 0.510 alpha (2017 August 12)

[core] Faster GPU initialization stage for Multi-GPU.
[core] Added low-priority setting for GPUs (see Hardware Settings). They are ON by default in IPR mode for ALL GPUs. For fluent work in IPR mode it’s HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to keep enabled “low-priority” setting for DISPLAY GPU and switch if OFF for other render GPUs which are not connected to the monitor. Low-priority option is useful only for display GPU because it is used for Viewport display. If you have many GPUs then display GPU can be excluded from IPR render.
[core] Added Variation shader. It generates different colors using HSL color model if material with this shader is assigned to different objects. Each HSL component has the range which is divided with a setting “resolution” and in this range a random color is picked automatically for different objects. Objects are considered different if they have different names. Later will add special object tags for this purpose to extend flexibility.
[core] Added Random shader. It assigns random shaders for different objects (max 10 shaders to select one random from it) if some material with this shader is assigned for different objects. It’s possible to construct many random shaders on top of each other. Later will add Random Bitmap shader.
[core] Removed Geo Mask slot from Multi Material due to more flexible and quite fast new Alpha channel. Maybe will return it later :)
[core] Added Alpha channel (same as Opacity) for Standard CentiLeo material. It’s stochastic (but very fast) and can use combinations of shaders. However, the depth of effect is limited to “max ray bounces” setting.
[C4D plugin] Added support for material stacking using standard Texture Tags. This feature understands selection tags, material Alpha channel, offset, tilling, repetitions and up to 4 UVW Mappings from the row of object tags. The UVW Mapping that is assigned to material shaders is the next right one to the Texture Tag. Default mapping of material (using this Texture Tag) and tilling parameters are propagated to internal material shaders (like Bitmap and etc.). This works as suggested by default Cinema 4D behavior with a limitation to 4 UVW Mappings per object. Other procedural mappings like Cubic, Cylindrical, etc. are in TODO list.
[C4D plugin] Each of the CentiLeo shaders such as Bitmap, Noise etc have “default” mapping parameter which inherits the mapping of the entire material which is enabled in the Texture Tag. Each shader like Bitmap can change this mapping and relative tilling too.
[C4D plugin] Fixed: when materials linked to Selection Tags are inherited from some parent object to child objects then polygon Selection Tags of child objects are processed correctly.
[C4D plugin] Fixed: when CentiLeo material is assigned to an object then default projection is UVW.
[C4D plugin] Fixed: when CentiLeo material is copy-pasted then all the shaders are also copy-pasted with it (not as instances but as copies). It also fixes the problem of copy-paste to another scene.
[IPR] Fixed non-working IPR in C4D R16.050 build.
[IPR] Polished few things that caused the random stalls.
[IPR] If IPR window is minimized and not present in the task bar then click “CentiLeo IPR” command in top menu again to get it back immediately.

Known issues to be solved

- Displacement mapping feature is deactivated due to large code changes overall. This feature will be recovered within the next few short CentiLeo updates.
- May not initialize if AMD GPU is in your computer together with NVIDIA GPU.
- Very limited scene converter tool from Cinema 4D native materials (only diffuse color and texture are converted and translated if assigned to the object)
- May not support non-latin texture paths.

Important note

We are currently using JUCE library ( for IPR GUI under Personal license (which is free) for initial testing purpose. In IPR window it will show in the right bottom corner a splash screen for the first start and it dissapears in few sec. It may also connect to Google Analytics to collect end-user stats. Juce guys claim this is nothing bad but stats collection so they know who is using them. However, the plugin works perfectly without any Internet connection.
If everything works well on main technical side then we will buy the full license of JUCE and get rid of these small issues.

Please test it and give us feedback to discover further improvements!

Best regards,
Edited: Kirgman - Aug 23, 2017 12:52 (Update 0.513)
CentiLeo Chat:
CentiLeo for 3ds Max 0.500 available (nice bug fixes)
Administrator  Posts: 950
Jul 19, 2017 10:21
Hi everyone,

CentiLeo 0.50 for 3ds Max 2014-2017 is ready! It has a lot of important bugfixes for refractions, diffuse interreflections, etc. Some things like new IPR GUI took a really a lot of time due to fixing new bugs related to it. But this was solved. Hope to add more graphics features to CentiLeo asap.

Download here:

Change Log: cntlmax 0.500 alpha (2017 July 19)

[IPR] Changed GUI engine for IPR mode to JUCE library ( All IPR controls like image resolution and post settings go to the IPR window. It opens the IPR window faster, process images faster and is very cool. Later will add DOF, light pass settings and more cool things there too.
[core] Fixed wrong glass refraction patterns. It is also accelerated a bit for many multiple internal glass reflections.
[core] Improved the look of shadow from the glass objects.
[core] Improved rough glass render speed and look.
[core] Fixed loss of light energy for diffuse interreflections.
[core] Faster render for HDR lighting with very bright high-contrast spots (thanks to a bugfix).
[core] Fixed problem when display GPU participates in multi-GPU rendering. Before fixing this the display GPU could even deaccelerate collective rendering. Right now display GPU accelerates the multi-GPU render (however remember that display GPU also shares resources with native C4D viewport).
[core] Reduced peak RAM memory consumption when scene with huge meshes is loaded. Just valid and useful data takes place but temporary data doesn’t consume huge memory like before. E.g. for 50M poly meshes it is reduced by ~10GB.
[core] Out-of-core texture cache doesn’t consume all maximum capacity upfront. Now it saturates the cache on demand (when you add textures until the limit that you set in max OOC texture cache setting). It results in minimum RAM consumption (2GB) for blank scene (lower than before).
[cntlmax] Fixed window crashing error when you have opened Corona render IPR before CentiLeo.
[cntlmax] Fixed crash when change animation time and cntlLight (or cntlUber) was present in the scene.
[cntlmax] Fixed zoom scale of viewport light source representation. Light source names are off by default (may be switched on in LS settings).
[cntlmax] Fixed RAM memory consumption when IPR is open for several hours.

Known issues to be solved
- Displacement mapping feature is deactivated due to large code changes overall. This feature will be recovered within the next few short CentiLeo updates.
- May not initialize if AMD GPU is in your computer together with NVIDIA GPU.
- Very limited scene converter tool from other renderers (only diffuse property and textures from Standard material and Vray material)
- UVW mapping change of parameters may not be accounted by IPR scene auto update mode. To be solved.

Important note
We are currently using JUCE library ( for IPR GUI under Personal license (which is free) for initial testing purpose. In IPR window it will show in the right bottom corner a splash screen for the first start and it dissapears in few sec. It may also connect to Google Analytics to collect end-user stats. Juce guys claim this is nothing bad but stats collection so they know who is using them. However, the plugin works perfectly without any Internet connection.
If everything works well on main technical side then we will buy the full license of JUCE and get rid of these small issues.

Please test it and give us feedback to discover further improvements!

Best regards,
CentiLeo Chat:
CentiLeo for Cinema 4D 0.500 available (nice bug fixes)
Administrator  Posts: 950
Jul 16, 2017 10:41
Hi everyone,

CentiLeo 0.50 for Cinema 4D R16-R18 is ready! It has a lot of important bugfixes for refractions, diffuse interreflections, etc. Some things like new IPR GUI took a really a lot of time due to fixing new bugs related to it. But this was solved. Hope to add more graphics features to CentiLeo asap.

Download here:

Change Log: cntlc4d 0.500 alpha (2017 July 16)

[IPR] Changed GUI engine for IPR mode to JUCE library ( All IPR controls like image resolution and post settings go to the IPR window. It opens the IPR window faster, process images faster and is very cool. Later will add DOF, light pass settings and more cool things there too.
[core] Fixed wrong glass refraction patterns. It is also accelerated a bit for many multiple internal glass reflections.
[core] Improved the look of shadow from the glass objects. (added 19 July 2017)
[core] Improved rough glass render speed and look.
[core] Fixed loss of light energy for diffuse interreflections.
[core] Faster render for HDR lighting with very bright high-contrast spots (thanks to a bugfix).
[core] Fixed problem when display GPU participates in multi-GPU rendering. Before fixing this the display GPU could even deaccelerate collective rendering. Right now display GPU accelerates the multi-GPU render (however remember that display GPU also shares resources with native C4D viewport).
[core] Reduced peak RAM memory consumption when scene with huge meshes is loaded. Just valid and useful data takes place but temporary data doesn’t consume huge memory like before. E.g. for 50M poly meshes it is reduced by ~10GB.
[core] Out-of-core texture cache doesn’t consume all maximum capacity upfront. Now it saturates the cache on demand (when you add textures until the limit that you set in max OOC texture cache setting). It results in minimum RAM consumption (2GB) for blank scene.
[C4D plugin] Fixed window crashing error when you have opened Corona render IPR before CentiLeo.
[C4D plugin] Fixed crash when objects have assigned TextureTags with non-existing or empty materials.

Known issues to be solved (reduced list)

- Displacement mapping feature is deactivated due to large code changes overall. This feature will be recovered within the next few short CentiLeo updates.
- May not initialize if AMD GPU is in your computer together with NVIDIA GPU.
- Very limited scene converter tool from Cinema 4D native materials (only diffuse color and texture are converted and translated if assigned to the object)
- May not support non-latin texture paths.

Important note

We are currently using JUCE library ( for IPR GUI under Personal license (which is free) for initial testing purpose. In IPR window it will show in the right bottom corner a splash screen for the first start and it dissapears in few sec. It may also connect to Google Analytics to collect end-user stats. Juce guys claim this is nothing bad but stats collection so they know who is using them. However, the plugin works perfectly without any Internet connection.
If everything works well on main technical side then we will buy the full license of JUCE and get rid of these small issues.

Please test it and give us feedback to discover further improvements!

Best regards,
CentiLeo Chat:
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